Professional Encounters Service

The Professional Encounters in the Legal Field service aims to provide opportunities for individuals who wish to consult a lawyer or legal advisor about legal issues concerning them. These meetings can be advisory or exploratory in nature, and provide clients with an opportunity to discuss their legal problems and obtain advice and guidance from legal experts.

These services may include: 

  1. ‎Legal advice:‎ The client is able to raise his case or legal problem and obtain personalized and customized legal advice from the lawyer or legal advisor. The case is reviewed, analyzed and professional advice is provided on possible steps, possibilities and expectations related to the case.
  2. ‎Legal status assessment:‎Through the professional meeting, the client can assess the strength of his legal status and the probability of success in the particular case. A lawyer or legal advisor can clarify relevant laws and legal texts and provide guidance on how to achieve the client's goals.‎
  3. ‎Develop a‎‎ legal strategy: A lawyer or legal advisor can advise on the necessary preparations and develop an appropriate legal strategy for the case. Appropriate and possible legal steps are identified and guidance is provided to the client on how to proceed with the case.‎
  4. ‎General Legal Guidance:‎A lawyer or legal advisor can make general guidance on laws relevant to the client's field or particular case. This can include an explanation of legal rights and duties and legal procedures available.‎