Company Incorporation Service

The company incorporation service is a service provided by law firms to individuals and companies wishing to establish a new company. Lawyers specializing in company incorporation provide legal advice and assistance in all legal and procedural steps related to company incorporation.

These services may include:

  1. Legal Advice: Lawyers specializing in company formation provide comprehensive legal advice to clients on the best company structure, appropriate type, and legal and tax requirements related to company incorporation.
  2. Preparation of documents: Lawyers assist in the preparation of company incorporation documents such as articles of association (social contract), company agreements and other legal documents required for official company registration.
  3. Official Registration: Lawyers carry out the official registration procedures of the company in the concerned authorities, such as corporate departments or competent government bodies, and follow up on the legal procedures necessary to complete the incorporation process.
  4. Intellectual Property Protection: Lawyers specializing in company formation can assist clients in protecting a company's intellectual property rights, such as trademark registration and securing patent and copyright rights.
  5. Advice in other legal matters: After the company is established, lawyers can provide legal advice in other matters related to the management and operation of the company, such as employment contracts, client contracts, and other intellectual property issues.